Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sketches and Paintings from UK Trip

Finally posting pictures I did on my trip to the UK. My daughter and I had a wonderful time. The weather was beautiful. I painted the beach scene on site, sitting on one of the deck chairs.
Big Ben is in a hand made travel journal I did for the trip. (That's why all that stuff is poking out the top there) It was a very quick pen and ink because I did it while my Mother-in-law rested. She didn't rest as long as I thought she would so I painted it later. I'm glad I sketched it because for some reason my brain couldn't believe I was actually sitting on a bench in front of the aquarium staring at Big Ben.


  1. Nice pictures. I especially love the English Channel one but Big Ben really incapsulates the trip doesn't it?

  2. You were lucky with the weather! Nice sketches and something to remind you of the trip.

  3. Big Ben is brill!! You were very brave tackling such a complex piece of architecture, great drawings and glad you enjoyed your trip over here :o)

  4. Awesome sketches. Wish I was there too.
