Friday, February 18, 2011

Blind Contour Fridays

This weeks entry for Blind Contour Fridays was an azalea plant my Mom sent me for my Anniversary.  My Son is very quick so when he was done he decided to draw the bird feeder outside the kitchen window.  Looking at his bird feeders and how detailed he got them and the curved hooks of the holder, I think that subject interested him more than the plant. I liked how the lines of the azalea came out in mine, probably better than if I had looked at my paper.


  1. Hi Florence, Fun drawings of complicated subjects. I think you're on to something, it's "easier" to not look at something like the azalea. Cool bird feeder too!

  2. Wonderful! I do see that he was more interested in the bird feeder than the plant. I incorporate the blind drawing skills into my normal sketching because I find that it does come out better to trust my hand!
