Monday, January 10, 2011

Strathmore Visual Journal Workshop Week 2

This is week 2 of the workshop.   We were to add shadow with charcoal pencil and color with oil pastels.  Then a wash of gesso.  I don't think I watered down my gesso enough.  I felt like I re-colored it and I lost some of the shadow effect because the charcoal just didn't want to go over the layer of gesso.  But I do like the effect in some areas, like the eyes in the upper left.


  1. Hi Florence, I was curious about this workshop. I'll enjoy watching you progress. Your kitty collage is fascinating! Great arrangement of shapes.

  2. Enjoying the progress so far! =) Looking really good

  3. Thanks for sharing what you are learning.

  4. This is interesting. I look forward to seeing how this page progresses!

  5. These look really cool! I look forward to seeing how it develops...I have been trying to sign up for this, and hopefully will get into it because it would be great to try...
